Author: Asya Gefter

  • ‘Sarajevo exposures’ exhibition

    Here are the scanned versions of the darkroom prints and below are a few comments: This is something really funny, exciting and full of emotions. (Ahmedin Huric) The famous spirit of this city beautifully shown. (Azra) Thank you. I enjoyed your perspective. (Djiki Djanka) Beautiful and raw! Wonderful photos that captured the essence of life…

  • into the new year with…

    patience, warmth and small wonders for all of us ))

  • Green Lens Xmas Art Fair

    I’ll be taking part in the Green Lens Christmas Art Fair this Saturday 14th December from 12 to 6pm. The Art Fair lasts both Saturday and Sunday and is a wonderful opportunity to browse and choose from hundreds of photographs, photo-books, original screen prints and paintings made by local artists including some of my manual prints,…

  • Autumnal sketches

  • The end of summer

    Grand Finale @ In the Woods Festival 2013 //GOLDEN WELLY Award for Best Independent Festival// © Asya Gefter

  • They grow up far too fast

    The analogue black & white earlier series turned to digital colour in the summer smells, tastes and tones of a Russian countryside house. My nephews and niece are growing up far too fast for my camera to fix those rare fleeting moments when I am around. © Asya Gefter

  • Poster exhibition at Chats Palace

    Friday May 31st – Launch of the poster exhibition at Chats Palace from The Fragile Archivists Come to the launch + live music the very day the Building turns 100!   more details here     community arts / free form / chatsworth road / music hall / inclusive theatre / homerton grove adventure playground / pensioner’s club / christmas shows / social benefits / disability arts / cabaret / political…

  • Games and toys in Ikakumo

    My friend & linguist Sophie and I are putting out an exhibition of Ikakumo children’s photos and videos at SOAS, London (May 20-21) and PICS Festival 2013 at RichMix, London (June 8). In July 2013, the exhibition will travel to Ikakumo and Ibadan, Nigeria.  Later in the year we plan to launch the dedicated project website…

  • A link to the past

    in a response to 1913 photo… Fragile Archivists record the visit of Hackney Mayor Jules Pipe to Chats Palace © Asya Gefter

  • Edmonton Green

    Today was my first visit to Edmonton. For our Chats Palace project, we interviewed Annie Smol who started in Chats in the 1980s and now runs Face Front Inclusive Theatre in the space above the Edmonton Green Market. Having heard of violence and crime in this yet another London pocket, I was curious to see…