Collaborations (Multimedia)
2018 From Pop Art to Community Arts in Hackney and beyond, British Museum/Hackney Museum Partnership Exhibition ‘Warhol to Walker: American prints from pop art to today’, East End Film Festival, London
2017 Lviv-London Double Impact, Pushkin House, London
2017 Fragments of Memory, Museum of Ideas, Lviv, Ukraine
2016 ‘Seed to Harvest’ Sukkot live performance, Dublin, Ireland
2015 In the footsteps of Hanukkah, Ziferblat arts space, Moscow
2015 Hackney in Archives showreel, Open Cinema, London
2014 One Sunday Over The Lea, ‘My London Film’ competition, East End Film Festival
2012 Playing In or Out?, V&A Museum of Childhood, London
2012 Tape Garden, Barbican Curious Festival, London
2015 War on the Home Front, curated as Project Lead, Alexandra Palace, London
2015 Mike Gray – In Black & White, curated as Fragile Archivists, London
2015 Enlarged Lives silkscreen posters, curated as Fragile Archivists, London
2013 Poster exhibition from the Fragile Archivists @ Chats Palace, London
2013 Games and toys in Ikakumo: children documenting their community, curated as Project Lead, PICS Festival @ Rich Mix, London
Group exhibitions
2022 Glimpses in Fotografia Zeropixel group exhibition ‘Spaces’, Palazzo Costanzi, Trieste, Italy
2020 FELLINI. La dolce vita e 8 ½, Magazzino delle Idee di Trieste, Italy
2019 Obsolete & Discontinued group show, Magazzini Fotografici, Naples, Italy
2015 Closing the Circle – Analogica Collettiva, Analogica festival, Auer, Italy
2014 Portraits for the Tufnell Park Tales project, Hilldrop Community Centre, London
2014 Save Lea Marshes group photography exhibition, Waterworks Centre, London
2014 ‘Art in the era of assessment’ group show, Riverside Studios, London
Residences, Talks
2019 Jewish Roots Workshop, Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies, London
2018 Baikal School Working Languages of Memory, Irkutsk & Baikal lake, Russia
2018 Conference Urban Jewish Heritage: Presence and Absence, Krakow, Poland
2018 Roundtable Echo of Holocaust in Russia, Moscow, Russia
2018 Artist-in-residence, FestivALT, Krakow, Poland
2018 Dash Café: Lviv on the borders of Europe. Part of Eutopia, Rich Mix, London
2017 Catena Art Residency “Roots”, Workshop video, Berlin, Germany
2016 Asylum Arts Retreat for Jewish artists, New York
2014 Asylum Arts Urban Retreat for Jewish artists, London
2015 24-hour Hackney: A City Symphony, Open Cinema, London
2014 Sarajevo Exposures, Sarajevo Winter International Festival, Sarajevo, Bosnia
2012 Cyanotypes ‘Dreams alone’, EcoTectura International festival, Guslitsa Art-Residency, Russia
2012 ‘Making a Bolt for it’, Portraits of Britain Photographic Competition winner, London
2011 ‘On the turn’ winning image in the 2012 Alternative Photography Calendar
2008 Forgotten Man in the Urban Societies of Cuba and Russia, Chats Palace, London
2006 Teaching Kurdish exhibition, Dalston Community Centre, London
2004-2005 Publications in Smoke: a London Peculiar, Issues 4, 5, 6, London